Auditions are open to all community members ages 13 and up. Whether you are new to theater or a lover of the art, you are most welcome!
Please email to stay up to date on community auditions. Actors may sign up to audition for our summer production, Nicholas Nickleby. Charles Dickens' Nicholas Nickleby is produced by special arrangement with THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY of Woodstock, Illinois. The script is adapted by Tim Kelly.

Upon the death of his father, Nicholas Nickleby finds himself and his mother and sister penniless and homeless. They seek assistance from Ralph Nickleby, Nicholas's uncle. Ralph is a hard, unscrupulous money lender who sees his poor relations as people he can exploit to promote his financial investments. Nicholas must stand up to his uncle and protect his family and others from Ralph's cruel schemes. The tale is filled with a colorful array of characters. It has heartwarming moments, comedy, drama, and some stage combat.
Actors will need to prepare a 30 second to 1 minute audition piece. This can be a traditional monologue or an excerpt from a book. The piece can be dramatic or comedic, memorized or read. When you sign up, our stage manager will email you the audition form and the rehearsal schedule. Please fill out the form and bring it to the auditions. There is space on the form to write down past theater experience, but actors may bring their own resumes and head shots if they wish.
Auditions are private and will be approximately 5 minutes long, but please allow for some delay. Our costume designers may be on hand to take measurements.
Callbacks are by invitation only. If an actor does not receive a callback, this does not mean they are not under consideration for a role. All actors cast in a show will pay a $35 production and script fee. Actors will additionally be responsible for finding some costume pieces and accessories, under the guidance and assistance of our costume designers.
List of Roles
The roles of Nicholas Nickleby, Ralph Nickleby, and Madeline Bray have been precast.
Kate Nickleby ~ teens, the young sister of Nicholas Nickleby. Kate, like her brother, is innocent and willing to trust her uncle, Ralph Nickleby. However, her uncle soon proves to be untrustworthy when he tries to use Kate to further his financial investments.
Mr. Vincent Crummles ~ late 30s, the leader of a ragtag theatrical troupe. Good natured and jolly, Mr. Crummles lives every moment like he is on stage. Warm-hearted and generous, he hires both Nicholas and his friend, Smike, as actors. He sometimes acts as storyteller.
Wackford Squeers ~ late 30s, the headmaster of an unscrupulous boys boarding school. With the help of his wife, he abuses his students. He is an underling of Ralph Nickleby who is aware of his underhanded treatment of his students. Wackford Squeers hires Nicholas as a teacher for his school, Dotheboys Hall. Nicholas is appalled at how the Squeers family treats the boys. He attacks Squeers to stop him from beating one of the boys, Smike. Squeers later reappears in London to help Ralph hurt Nicholas and his friends.
Smike ~ teens, an orphaned boy who works at Dotheboys Hall. Smike was brought to the school years ago, but whoever brought him stopped paying his tuition long ago. The Squeers keep him at the school and work him mercilessly. Nicholas befriends him, and the two escape the school and travel to London.
Mrs. Crummles ~ late 30s, the wife of Mr. Crummles. Like her husband, she is generous and theatrical.
Fanny Squeers ~ teens, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Squeers. She is vain and self-centered. She pursues Nicholas but ends up being rebuffed by him.
Newman Noggs ~ middle-aged, Ralph Nickleby's clerk. Despite his connection to Ralph, he is a kind man who assists Nicholas and his family. In the beginning, he is afraid to help. But as he watches Nicholas bravely standing up to his uncle, Newman takes a stand and helps bring Ralph Nickleby down.
Lady Hawk ~ 20s-30s, an unscrupulous socialite who enjoys stirring up scandal. Ralph invests some of her money. Both are aware of the other's shady business dealings.
Lord Frederick ~ 20s-30s, a foolish associate of Lady Hawk. She is using him to her financial benefit. She encourages him in his rude behavior towards Kate Nickleby. He is challenged by Nicholas for insulting Kate.
Lady Scaley ~ 20s, a friend of Lady Hawk's. Like her friend, Lady Scaley enjoys creating mischief and reveling in the gossip of Lady Hawk.
Miss Snevellicci ~ 20s-30s, a member of the Crummles' theatrical troupe.
Mr. Folair ~ 20s-30s, a member of the Crummles' theatrical troupe.
Arthur Gride ~ elderly, a miser and associate of Ralph Nickleby. Arthur has discovered that Madeline Bray, Nicholas's sweetheart, is heiress to a large fortune. He schemes to marry her so that he can take her money.
Mr. Cheeryble ~ middle-aged, a kind businessman who hires Nicholas. Mr. Cheeryble is a friend of Madeline Bray, and he introduces her to Nicholas. He provides Nicholas with a good job and helps protect his friends and family from Ralph.
Frank Cheeryble ~ 20s, the nephew of Mr. Cheeryble and suitor of Kate's.
Brooker ~ middle-aged, a mysterious figure from Ralph Nickleby's past. He was previously employed by Ralph, and he knows a secret about Ralph.
Mr. Walter Bray ~ elderly, the selfish father of Madeline Bray. Imprisoned for debts, he sees his daughter's marriage to Arthur Gride as a way for them to pay off their debts.
Mrs. Nickleby ~ middle-aged, the kind but naive mother of Nicholas and Kate.
Miss La Creevy ~ middle-aged, the gracious landlady of Kate and Mrs. Nickleby.
Madam Mantalini ~ 20s-30s, a dressmaker who hires Kate to work for her.
Peg Sliderskew ~ elderly, the sly housekeeper of Arthur Gride.
Ninetta Crummles ~ teens, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Crummles and the star of the troupe. She is billed as "the Infant Phenomenon;" however, she is actually much older than she appears.
Tim Linkinwater ~ middle-aged, a clerk who works for the Cheerybles.
Miss Petowker ~ teens-20s, the newest member of the Crummles' theaterical troupe.
Ensemble Members
Servants, students at Dotheboy Hall, members of the Crummles' theatrical troupe, additional inhabitants of London.